Is Legit? An Insider’s Report 2019

Pricing Tiers:

Analyze Your Trades

  • Novice: $29.95/mo.
  • Trader: $49.95/mo.
  • Pro: $74.95/mo.


Tim Sykes – Teaching Penny Stocks

  • Tim’s Alerts: 74.95/mo.
  • PennyStocking Silver: $149.95/mo.
  • Tim’s Challenge (Millionaire Challenge): approximately $4500 – $5000

Superman: Trade Alerts and Premium Research

  • Superman Alerts: $147/mo
  • Superman Pro: $247/mo

Owner: Timothy Sykes
Overall Rank: 8/10

Who is Timothy Sykes?

By Tim Sykes -, CC BY 2.0,

By the age of 22, Timothy Sykes turned $12,415 in Bar Mitzvah gift money into $2 million and started a hedge fund during my senior year. Tim promotes buying and selling penny stocks, which if done correctly, can amount to a pretty decent income.

That being said, most investors stay away from penny stocks for two reasons:

  1. The penny stock market is very unpredictable (volatile)
  2. Earnings are small in comparison to larger, more prominent companies.

Tim has said that small earnings compounded over time is what helped him build his fortune. Slow and steady wins the race.

Tim’s Instagram page is filled with images of his very interesting life. His method for promoting are intentional. He wants people to see that money can be made from anywhere is the world using only a laptop and an internet connection. #workfromanywhere

View this post on Instagram

I get a lot of questions ALL THE TIME and I love answering them (just DM me!) because I love my job teaching people everything I’ve learned about the stock market over the past 20 years and how I am able to #workfromanywhere and still make money even from incredible places like here at the world’s best #poolwithaview at @marinabaysands in #singapore but please never forget that I’m not special! Literally ANYONE can do this with enough dedication, patience and guidance and I solemnly swear to be the mentor to my students that I never had because what you see now with my life and being able to donate millions of dollars through my charity @karmagawa and @savethereef too all while traveling to #bucketlist location after location is what you can also do after 20+ years of hard work, #nodaysoff and ideally my teachings can down your learning curve dramatically like my top student who made his first $1 million in just 3 years. So, yes, this pool is astounding and you should definitely visit, but even when I’m in these beautiful places remember that I’m still working hard, making daily stock watch lists, video lessons, trading stocks and answering questions too…you actually have it much easier by just needing to study all the lessons my top millionaire students and I create and really take the time to learn it all and apply it towo from no matter where you are in the world! #edjewcation #jewswithviews

A post shared by Timothy Sykes (@timothysykes) on

What is is a social trading platform and is useful for “introducing measurement, accountability, transparency and data-driven optimization into the trading world.”

My personal experience with is that it contains a wealth of information, and the students on the social platform are knowledgeable and can be helpful if you know specifically what information you are seeking. There is a lot of chatter about who is trading what, or planning to trade, or even research done on a potential trade.

Tim has an arsenal of videos and books which he created that will both educate and inspire his students – most of which are available for free under certain plans. He frequently mentions that it is mind-blowing how many students sign up for the program but never take advantage of his training or put into practice anything that has been learned.

Pricing Tiers

There are a number of monthly subscriptions from which a student may choose.

Who is Superman?

Though he’s often referred to as “The Superman of Stocks”, Paul Scolardi’s superpowers are all self-made. A veteran stock trader of 17 years, Scolardi is known for his preternatural ability to spot momentum before it appears on nearly any other radar. In another lifetime, Scolardi was a CPA in corporate finance. But after rising to CFO of the company and finding that he wanted more, he struck out on his own as a stock trader and reinvented himself as CEO of Super Trades LLC.

Newlands, Murray. “Superman Of Stocks Paul Scolardi Wants To Help You Get Super Rich.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 20 Oct. 2015,

I was enrolled in PennyStocking Silver ($149.95/mo) from 2016-2018. Tim sends out multiple alerts about what he’s trading, as well as company research that he’s conducted every single day. He makes it plain that the alerts he sends out are for instructional purposes. Students should not use the alerts to trade, as they are not in real-time.

Personally, I was overwhelmed. There were many alerts and I am a total newbie to the stock market world. I definitely could not fully absorb all that Tim offered.

Penny Stocks for Beginners

Trading can be and is overwhelming. It would help to know quickly what you might expect. Tim has created a useful infographic for beginners:

”PennyPenny Stocks for Beginners Infographic via Timothy Sykes

Tim’s Challenge (aka: The Millionaire Challenge)

The Millionaire Challenge is a unique opportunity to work with Timothy Sykes in real time approximately 2x per week. Again, if you are not available in the morning for the video chat, you will not experience any real success. Honestly, I wish I had an opportunity to watch Tim in action. But alas, such is life …


There is one upsell, called StockstoTrade, that I am aware of and it is what Tim has developed and uses to “track price movements, research key company news, and execute trades.” This upsell “is absolutely critical to any trader’s success.”

”DayDay Trading Software Infographic via Timothy Sykes

I do not have any experience with this program. I feel like StockstoTrade would be a useful tool to have, but I do not agree that Tim’s students should have to pay that amount of money to utilize the service. It is my personal opinion that it should be included in one of the packages already being offered. That would be more appealing for novice students just learning about the industry.

Who Can Benefit From

Quite honestly, if you are trying to hold down a 9-5, you will not experience any real success. Trading happens during the day; More accurately, 9:30 am to noon EST. You can read more about trading hours for the various markets here.

This is why I was not able to put into practice anything that I learned. I am not currently available during trading hours and even if I could squeak out a few minutes of trading on my breaks, I would not be able to keep up with the fast pace of buying and selling. I would lose money when break time is over! is for newbies all the way up through experienced traders. There’s always something new to learn and networking with like-minded individuals is always a plus.

The bottom line: Those who are available during trading hours would benefit from

Final Thoughts

Timothy Sykes is the real deal. He publicly criticizes traders and celebrities for “pump and dump” schemes. Pump and Dumps are known for when “an investor purchases stock, hypes others into buying that stock to inflate its price, then sells the shares at a higher price and shorts the profit from the resulting decline.” can be a goldmine for those who are available during trading hours. It was not for me, because I have a daytime job – which severely limited my ability to put into action anything I learned. But if your work situation permits, I would highly recommend signing up for whichever plan suits your needs.

Do you have experience with or Tim Sykes? I’d love to chat with you in the comment section below. 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

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